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S.O.T.W. Hall Of Fame

You want to be a Shark of the Week? I bet you do..if you really really want to, I suggest you hunt down every person on this list and ask them how to become Shark of the Week! ::Makes an Evil Laugh::


#1. Lobosweepr(is no longer a Shark, first ever SOTW)

#2. MagusZeal1(is now Lucky eb3, was once VP)

#3. DSTARMAN44(the first person to get SOTW twice)

#4. Poo Kato(is now FM X Files, was kicked out)

#5. DSTARMAN44(look at what I said above for his screen name)

#6. Tytee2(is now Tyteet2 and a Jr. Frank)

#7. MagusCrono(was once VP, is no longer a Shark)

#8. Seriphosu(is no longer a Shark)

#9. Demon66331(later became Picco1o,he knows me in real life,is no longer a Shark)

#10. ICPklownz(is no longer a Shark)

#11. XSuperMogX(is now AVP,was the first person to become Frankystein Mark II)

#12. AGaweda(is now an Elite Shark)

#13. EbJeffEb(is no longer a Shark)

#14. ToOcZ(found us many new members)

#15. Unfrgvn85(the first person to get SOTW for two times in a row,he also got it twice in a row later, is no longer a Shark)

#16. Unfrgvn85(look above,under his name, is no longer a Shark)

#17. Moondoggey(was the first person to ever be AAVP)

#18. NessCraig(found us many new members)

#19. Calvin 84(is now AzIaN FoO)

#20. Mouse4894(is no longer a Shark)

#21. BassBall 2(is now Elite Shark)

#22. RDS3(later became TWSHyena, is now Elite Shark)

#23. EmmonsKer(had to get rid of AOL, but is still a Shark)

#24. OnettNess(runs EB Gang, which is around the second biggest EB club)

#25. JAY3983(found us many new members)

#26. AGaweda(third person to ever get SOTW twice)

#27. ESL1021(found us new members, is no longer a Shark)

#28. AGaweda(first person to ever get SOTW three times)

#29. Unfrgvn85(second person to get SOTW three times, is no longer a Shark)

#30. Unfrgvn85(first to ever get it 4 times, second time he's done it two weeks in a row, is no longer a Shark)

#31. CPMont83(found us many new members)

#32. Iceandheat(made us two computer games, is also ATWCreator)

#33. BRIAN DX(found us many new members, is now a flaming homosexual..LoL)

#34. Fyredragon(found us many new members in his first week of being a Shark)

#35. Chumbakid7(found us MANY MANY new members,is no longer a Shark)

#36. Rebo1234(found us many new members using wonderful advertising)

#37. FLiPnOy21(found us many new members)

#38. Nikolai64(found us many new members,former leader)

#39. Septhroth5(no longer has AOL, but is still a Shark)

#40. PoSeR0001(became BLuIVIagic, is no longer a Shark)

#41. Mrshmlwbrd(alphabetized the Sharks mailing list for me, is no longer a Shark)

#42. Mrshmlwbrd(alphabetized the people in the Sharks ranks, is no longer a Shark)

#43. MogBacca(made our first proggie, was once AAVP, is no longer a Shark)

#44. CrazedMogX(found us new members)

#45. DEDKENDS(found us new members)

#46. WorldF3(found us MANY new members)

#47. ECox758(found us MANY new members, is no longer a Shark)

#48. Sabin Cole(found us MANY MANY new members)

#49. ANT NERZUL(found us many new members, is now Codeman098)

#50. Voltron401(found us new members, leads Dept. of Recruitment and Allies)

#51. Sabin Cole(found us MANY new members)

#52. Rbrrducky2(found us new members)

#53. Madman 910(found us many new members)

#54. DEDKENDS(found us new members)

#55. DSTARMAN44(found us new members)

#56. AGaweda(found me many EarthBound files for the club to enjoy, second ever to get SOTW 4 times)

#57. ADRIANANT(found us new members, is now ANTEBwizDX)

#58. Kjleftin(leads a club called The Chocobos, allied with us, found us new members)

#59. Aeris500(found us many new members,was SOTW twice in a row, is no longer a Shark)

#60. Aeris500(found us many new members, is no longer a Shark)

#61. DrugFreeX3(found us new members,was SOTW twice in a row, now UnityPunk1)

#62. DrugFreeX3(found us new members)

#63. Michael D9(made us a new website)

#64. Rbrrducky2(did his job well)

#65. Roadhawk19(found us many new members)

#66. GOKU203334(found is new members, is now King Duky)

#67. Sabin Cole(found us many new members, has been SOTW 3 times)

#68. Voltron401(helped out with newsletter)

#69. Skorbel4(found us new members)

#70. Nikolai64(won VP election)

#71. SeCtoR X19(Lead The Sharks for 1 1/2 years, just resigned)

#72. CrazedMogX(Won the Rank Contest, is now Legendary Shark)

#73. OAFrankFly(Helped stop a war)

#74. SwAmP KoW(Got many new members)

#75. Matingly22(Now Elite Shark)

#76. Rodimus401(Re-did the newsletter)

#77. Deafcon2 (Helped out alot)

#78. EB0UND (Began the NEW Sharks homepage)

#79. Ava FM (Defender of evil forces)

#80 OrsonWlls (New Webmaster)

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[this site maintained by [email protected]]
[the sharks official slave drivers: brian [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]]